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Friday, October 1, 2010

tujuh jendela masuk pc kalian!

all right, hi guys maybe some of you dont know how to install windows 7 and now is the time that i'll tell the way you can install windows 7 to your pc

this the way:
  1. Provide a computer that meets the requirement to install windows seven (7) if not comfortably at least dual core with 1GB memory.
  2. DVD installation of Windows Seven (7)
  3. Arrange for your computer to boot from dvd, done via the bios settings, usually press delete or f2 when the new computer is turned on select settings then select the dvd rom boot into the first order. save the configuration bios by pressing F10.
  4. Insert the Installation DVD
  5. Click on any key if you have any questions whether want to boot from cd or dvd
  6. And not long after that there will be display appears as below

  •  Furthermore, the display appears as below, just click next
  • the better one is you read the text first and you can continue your installing windows 7 but if you dont want to do that that's ok
  • Because we're doing the clean install then select the Custom (advanced)
Select the partition that will be used to install windows seven (7), the example below the hard drive is not in bagi2 into multiple partitions, if you want to divide into several partitions before the installation process select the Drive options (advanced) there we can create, delete and resize partitions. tapi dari pada bingun untuk yang pertama kali instalasi windows mending langsung pilih next saja, toh pembagian partisi bisa dilakukan setelah proses instalasi selesai. but from the confused for the first time mending the installation of windows directly select the next course, yet the division of the partition can be done after the installation process is complete.
  •   processing just wait it is not spent much time maybe about an hour 
  • After the above process selese computer will automatically restart itself. kumudian muncul seperti dibawah kumudian appears as below
  • Type a user name and the name of the computer, whatever you wrote, example your own name
  • Then let the computer make you secure passwords, write twice and should be the same, then filled with a password hint example clue if you're cant remember the password is it no problem, not the content is also not what's what.
  • Insert the Windows Product key, usually in his intalasi dvd package. if you dont have the poduct key make it blank, you given the opportunity to try windows 7 for 30 days
  oh ya this is the picture (the back side) and there is product key 
  • Next you given the choice of setting whether the windows will automatically update itself ato not, select what do you want
  •  Then adjust the time zone settings residence
  • Finished install driver2 computer hardware for windows running optimally, such as driver vga, audio, chipset, network, bluetooth and ect. so enjoy your new windows! this windows is make you working and something to do to be aeasier that before :) good luck!
 and this picture is about the example windows 7 cd

how cool they are! MySpace wuhuuu

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